
an adherent, follower, backer, or advocate.

One that supports, as a structural member of a building.

Our fund always welcomes any kind of support you are able to give. It can be simply letting other people know about us, helping on sales days, handing out leaflets , to actually joining us as a volunteer. Here is the story of one of our supporters who followed this exact path:



From a family’s perspective

“Who would have thought it? Just over two years ago my wife and I took our three young grandchildren to see the trains at Kidderminster’s Severn Valley Railway station and now I’m doing the voluntary marketing for the EMF.

Our children bought us a very special birthday present, an annual Family Ticket for the railway. Over the next year we spent many days on the railway with various family members who it’s fair to say weren’t all fans, but they all had a great time and now share our interest.

One day I made a comment on a rail message board that I’d like to be more involved and use my skills at marketing, which I’d spent a lot of time doing in the past. I guess when people think of volunteers at a railway they naturally think of rolling up their sleeves and mending the locos. That is a major part of the job but there is so much more as I have found. I guess the purpose of this piece is to say that if you have an interest in railways and want to have fun by getting involved, then the Erlestoke Manor Fund has a place for you.”

Alan Gormley Shareholder and Vounteer – Heritage Railway Marketing