Erlestoke Latest News
27th January 2015
This time in 1965 saw the start of the final year of Manors in BR service,…
27th June 2014
Following the publishing in the last newsletter of the proposal to raise the number of trustees…
27th January 2014
January 2014 Follow the contiuning progress with 7802's overhaul on our public Facebook page: June…
27th April 2013
"It is 40 years in 2013 since some twit wanted to get a Manor from Barry."…
27th January 2013
A fifty year absence in Cornwall by Manor class locomotives was ended in early September when…
27th June 2012
Two incredible firsts for Erlestoke! When Olympic fever came to Bewdley on 24th May with the…
27th October 2011
A few photo's taken Saturday 8th October at Bridgnorth MPD when we were stripping the cladding…
27th September 2011
The earlier prospect of Bradley Manor being laid up as a museum piece for many years…
27th July 2011
This 3500 gallon Churchward tender (number as yet unknown but approximately 100 years old!) has been…
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